Ciao tutti!!!
First off I'm really sorry if I don't get to writing everyone letters today
Today we are going to Castelo Sardo (a small town by the beach) and our train leaves in like 45 min so Scusatemi! This week was CRAZY!!! I can't believe it's only been one week! It feels like it's been 3! WE HAVE A NEW SIMP!!! He is so amazing!!! We found him doing strada and he is super curious about the church and he asks a bijillion questions! He is super interested in reading The Book of Mormon and seeing if its true. I'm just super excited for him!!!!! His name is Angelo (means angel!!) hahah. Ok, so last time we taught him he said "ok, I have a really serious question..... what do you think about animals. "?!? hahah funny question (I guess he is a vegetarian) Animals and souls are really close in italian so i thought he asked what we thought about souls! I'm just super excited and so happy to be teaching someone!!!!!!!
This week we went to the Carbonis to do service again and it was super fun!! We got to do construction. Last time we pruned their olive trees, this time we put up their ceiling in their house!! super fun!!! I learned that I'm pretty good with hammers. Must be all that batting practice!
We had a HUGE party for our corso d ingress (English Class) this week!!! It was super fun! Everyone made food and we just partied at the church!!!
So we are starting to go caroling in centro!!! its so fun!! Sassari is totally my city in the misison I AM IN LOVE WITH IT!!! Its so bellissima!!!! We do finding at night cause everyone is out! and there are tons of christmas lights in these little old cute cobblestone streets! Last Saturday we found three traditional sardo bands playing music and a marching band. Everyone is just celebrating hard over here and I love it!!! It's so gorgeous! Tons of people are taking our billitini and talking to us since it's Christmas!!!! AHHHH I LOVE MY MISSION SO MUCH I CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU!!!!! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!
sorry this is so scrambled!!!
OH, so the other night we were talking to these teenage boys about english course and one of them said "oh you guys are christian?" Then he said "im christian too" then he grabs his shirt and rips it off right then, and there is this HUGE tattoo on his chest of some creepy clown with a cross????? haha! He is going to regret that one day!!!!!!
So I officially know practically everyone that lives in this small town of Sassari!! Finding is becoming harder and harder because everytime we go to talk to someone they are like "um… you've already given me one" shoot!
The other night (on nikkis birhtday HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI!!!!!!!!) We went to this religious conference in town because one of our ward members signed us up!!! (not good) it was super interesting though. There were all these people talking about how the youth can change the world and our ward member actually did really good! So it wasn't bad at all. But at the end the "prayer" was a musical religious group that was going to sing us a prayer... ok so they come out and its just a bunch of hippies! hahah and the guy grabs the microphone and says "according to me, I don't think that the youth today can do anything" I laughed so hard (on the inside) then they played a traditional Sard song called "Lu sole calau calau" that I'm absolutely in love with!!!!! Anyway, that was fun.
So the other day we had a lesson with one of our non progressing simps named Flora (I love her though, she is soooo crazy!!!) Anyway, she doesn't want to quite work to go to church (she has two jobs and the one is only on sunday) so we read with her "faith without works is dead" and she is like "you see what i mean!!!" "you need faith AND WORK!!!" Ahhhhhh she is crazy!!!! In Italian there is two different words for your works and your job "work" hahah I just love these people!
Anyway, gotta go! I love you all so much and miss you so much more!!! Can't wait to see you on Christmas!!! I'm so excited!!! A member asked us about when we were going to do calls and I couldnt stop smiling all day because I couldn't stop thinking about being able to talk to you all!!!
Sorella Felice
PS Our branch President this week gave us this huge sack thing of cheese!!!!!!!! I will die when I leave italy and dont have all these flavors of cheese!!! I love the food here!! I really need to exercise more!
my beautiful city!
the sac of cheese
and me with all the christmas lights!
should have eaten the cheese