Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sempre vicino a te, dolce signor!

Ciao tutti!!!

Well this week went by SO FAST!!! I don't have much to write about. So first off our simps are doing AWESOME!!!!! I'm SOOOOOO HAPPY!!! So the anziani gave us one of their simps named Lucia (it was hard for them to teach her because she lives at home by herself and so they could never go in) so we went over and it was great! However this week she (she has a cat and she loves her cat!!!!) went walking with her cat and it climbed up a tree. She tried to get it but she slipped and fell and fractured her leg... or something. Anyway she has to be in bed all day so we have actually be able to go over a lot and she is SO FUN!! We just love her!!! Then we have our other new simp named Lucia also!! She is a mom of a member and GUESS WHAT?? We went over this week (last week we left her with Ether:12 to read) and SHE READ IT!! She read the whole chapter and marked it up and everything. We were so excited!!!!! We started the lesson and she was so excited to share with us what she had learned. She pulls out her scriptures and she reads us Ether 12:6 and 27. haha. She picked out the two scripture masteries in the chapter and she was just in love with them!!! she was like "this is such a true book!!" "it testifies of what the bible says is true!" So we are super thrilled about her and we are going to go see her this week too! She lives outside of Sassari so we have to take trains to get there... so we only visit her once a week for now! But we give her son talks and scriptures to give her when he comes to church. Hmmmm what else has happened...

This week was a little girl in our ward birthday, so her parents invited all the missionaries to come and talk to all her friends!! The dad asked if we would come early to help him make over 30 PIZZAS!! Well, we got there and he wouldn't let us help him hahah So we sat there and watched him make pizza for a while, then everyone started showing up and it was only the primary and the primary leaders that came :( So we didnt get to talk to people about the gospel...but we got really good free pizza!!!

So, yesterday we were out finding and we ran into this couple (the guy was abnormally tall because usually sassarese people are super short) (I'm the tallest person in this city) so we are talking to them and they are REALLY nice!! and the guy asks us where we are from in America and we tell him Utah (e vicino california haha) and he goes "oh in salt lake city!" And we are like ”oh weird, yeah do you know the utah jazz?” there are a lot of people here that know the utah jazz... its strange (that is why we thought he knew about Utah). And he says in english “no I'm from colorado!” hahah we were SHOCKED!!!!! but he was like so you guys are LDS and we are like "yeah!" and we taught them the whole first lesson and explained the Book of Mormon it was SOOOO cool!!!! and his girlfriend said "I've always seen your church and been so curious!" So hopefully we get something from that!!! It was funny because he didn't know that Mormons and LDS people were the same religion! It was an awesome experience!! except the lesson was in English and we SUCKED!! Hahah! It was like half english mixed with Italian grammar and it was just bad! But the spirit was there... so thats all that matters!! haha Anyway gotta go!! Sorry thats all I have for you this week!!!!

The church is true! Remember what Christ has done for you and remember to read your scriptures EVERYDAY!!!! I'm so happy to be on a mission!! I'm just loving every minute and I really don't want to ever leave!!! Love you all so much and miss you tons!!!
con tutto il mio cuore!!!!
Sorella Felice

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