Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sempre vicino a te, dolce signor!

Ciao tutti!!!

Well this week went by SO FAST!!! I don't have much to write about. So first off our simps are doing AWESOME!!!!! I'm SOOOOOO HAPPY!!! So the anziani gave us one of their simps named Lucia (it was hard for them to teach her because she lives at home by herself and so they could never go in) so we went over and it was great! However this week she (she has a cat and she loves her cat!!!!) went walking with her cat and it climbed up a tree. She tried to get it but she slipped and fell and fractured her leg... or something. Anyway she has to be in bed all day so we have actually be able to go over a lot and she is SO FUN!! We just love her!!! Then we have our other new simp named Lucia also!! She is a mom of a member and GUESS WHAT?? We went over this week (last week we left her with Ether:12 to read) and SHE READ IT!! She read the whole chapter and marked it up and everything. We were so excited!!!!! We started the lesson and she was so excited to share with us what she had learned. She pulls out her scriptures and she reads us Ether 12:6 and 27. haha. She picked out the two scripture masteries in the chapter and she was just in love with them!!! she was like "this is such a true book!!" "it testifies of what the bible says is true!" So we are super thrilled about her and we are going to go see her this week too! She lives outside of Sassari so we have to take trains to get there... so we only visit her once a week for now! But we give her son talks and scriptures to give her when he comes to church. Hmmmm what else has happened...

This week was a little girl in our ward birthday, so her parents invited all the missionaries to come and talk to all her friends!! The dad asked if we would come early to help him make over 30 PIZZAS!! Well, we got there and he wouldn't let us help him hahah So we sat there and watched him make pizza for a while, then everyone started showing up and it was only the primary and the primary leaders that came :( So we didnt get to talk to people about the gospel...but we got really good free pizza!!!

So, yesterday we were out finding and we ran into this couple (the guy was abnormally tall because usually sassarese people are super short) (I'm the tallest person in this city) so we are talking to them and they are REALLY nice!! and the guy asks us where we are from in America and we tell him Utah (e vicino california haha) and he goes "oh in salt lake city!" And we are like ”oh weird, yeah do you know the utah jazz?” there are a lot of people here that know the utah jazz... its strange (that is why we thought he knew about Utah). And he says in english “no I'm from colorado!” hahah we were SHOCKED!!!!! but he was like so you guys are LDS and we are like "yeah!" and we taught them the whole first lesson and explained the Book of Mormon it was SOOOO cool!!!! and his girlfriend said "I've always seen your church and been so curious!" So hopefully we get something from that!!! It was funny because he didn't know that Mormons and LDS people were the same religion! It was an awesome experience!! except the lesson was in English and we SUCKED!! Hahah! It was like half english mixed with Italian grammar and it was just bad! But the spirit was there... so thats all that matters!! haha Anyway gotta go!! Sorry thats all I have for you this week!!!!

The church is true! Remember what Christ has done for you and remember to read your scriptures EVERYDAY!!!! I'm so happy to be on a mission!! I'm just loving every minute and I really don't want to ever leave!!! Love you all so much and miss you tons!!!
con tutto il mio cuore!!!!
Sorella Felice

Sunday, January 26, 2014

My Big Fat Catholic Italian Wedding

Ciao tutti!!!

Well this week was good! One day Sorella Knudsen and I were trying to see a meno attivi (less active). We have this plan to visit all of them (not that hard there arent that many) and leave them the talk “come join with us” by President Uchtdorf. Well anyway, we went to this one lady's house and she wasn't home. So we said "ok, lets leave it in her mail box and write her a cute note". We easily break into the first gate and then into the palazzo leave her the note and leave. As we are walking away I said to Sorella Knudsen... you know you're a missionary when breaking into apartment palazzas become really easy... haha We didnt even notice but we were totally just breaking into apartment buildings. hahaha oops

So, we have this member in our ward who is AWESOME! He owns a flower shop under our apartment building and he is just the happiest man in the world!! Anyway, we love to play pranks on him! So one day we he wasn't in the front so we ran in and hid and like five minutes later he shows up. Sorella Knudsen and I are like “ciao sono dio!!!” in a really deep voice (hello i am god!) and he jumped so high!!!! hahaha then he figured it was us and was like "yes, God I'm listening, what do you want me to do?" then we said “make the sorelle pizza!!” So fun, and funny. Anyways, two days later we come home for lunch and we receive a text from him saying “Ciao sorelle, there are two pizzas from heaven for you downstairs”  How nice is he!!!! Then we decided to make him cheesecake and we wrote “Manna from the Angels in heaven” hahaha (they dont have cheescake here so he was like what is this!! it really is manna!!” Our members are AWESOME!!!

So, this week we had a WEDDING in the church!!!!! There was a huge Catholic choir and they were clapping there hands and singing and it was really fun!!! The groom was some famous chef so the food was AMAZING!!! We met A LOT of people and got a lot of numbers! One lady grabbed a Book of Mormon and every pamphlet we put on display!! hahah (she was one of the members in the catholic choir) So, that was really fun!!! The bride is a meno attivi (less active), her dad though is the Branch Presidente in Olbia (in our district) 

Oh! We got a new simp this week!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOOO!!! Her son is a member and we had an idea to go visit them (they live far away) and read scriptures with him and his mom (who is evangelist). It went really well though and she loved the Book of Mormon and the story of Joseph Smith!!! We are going to go see them tomorrow. We are way excited!!! we are down to a pool of two investigators now... wahoo go us!!! 

HAHAH ok this is a funny story! So this week we are walking down this little street and these two guys are checking us out and whistling and being italian... (they were further away and we were walking toward them) So they are sitting there watching us and I say to Sorella Knudsen! “hey make a funny face/ugly face” So I pull this face and I will never forget what there faces looked like when they looked at me!! hahahahahhaha One of them made a gagging noise!! So, I found a good way to get guys to stop being gross!!!

Yesterday we went to a members house (she is from nigeria and her husband is italian and un po atheist)( i have never met more "christiany" people then africans. So I have no idea how they found eachother) We are having a lesson with him and she turns to him and says “every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ! I can't wait to see you confess Nicola!!" AWESOME! Then she says "i'm not scared, one day you will know Christ (and then in her african awesomeness she says) I can wait… I'm cool". Hahaha loved it!!! He got his boxes broken (humbled) a bit but he said he would pray!!! (He is actually the Anziani simp! So we were just invited)

well anyway that is about it!! I love you all so much! Remember how important this gospel is! Remember what Christ has done for you, you all mean so much to me!!!! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!
Con affetto
Sorella Felice  

the bride leaving
me at juliets house yesderday (nigerian lady) she lives in the country
one of my less actives I've been working with since I got here and her daughter that we want to teach

Talking to cats….

Ciao tutti!!!!

Well this week not much happened. Sorella Knudson and I have been getting ready for this new transfer! We have a lot of goals and I know we are going to see miracles!!! This week we took our ward list to one of the counselors in the Presidency of our branch and asked him to write down as much info as he could on everyone in the branch! So, now we know everything about all our meno attivi!!!! We have a goal to work with the meno attivi this transfer and get all of them active again wahooo!!! We felt like major stalkers though!!! We know so much information about people we dont even know. We're sitting there organiziing our information and suddenly we thought.... what if we had Facebook? Life would be so much easier. We would be masters at meno attivi work!!! Anyway with our simps (investigators)..... one of our four simps dropped us this week... that was kind of devestating. However one of our other ones is doing good!!!! she called US and asked when we could see her next!!!!! So we are super excited about that! Hopefully she can come to church and gain a testimony and be baptized! That would be the best. (I just realized this letter sounds like its going to the president hahaha sorry its just my life) 

Also, this week we found two great new investigators! We were able to teach them the first lesson. They were just sitting there on the wall and when we walked by they meowed at us and they were willing to listen so we taught them!.... I might be going crazy!!!! There is a picture included

So something exciting, this week we found KIDNEY BEANS!!!!! It's impossible to find beans here!! So we made chilli!! but we didnt have any of the right seasonings so we just put a taco  mix in it and a lot of chilli powder, hahah! It was good though!!! 

Sorella Knudsen and I have a great exercise plan for this transfer, we go running every morning (which is good cause all of sassari is just huge hills!!!) and then for lunch and dinner hours we do mini exercise routines!! Also, we aren't buying any pasta!!! which is un po hard cause there really isn't anything else! hahah anyway 
thats all I have for this week"!!! Love you all so much!!!

Sorella Felice

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Ciao tutti!!!

Ok, so I have absolutely NO time today!! Apparently there is a Holiday on the sixth of January where an ugly witch called Befana comes to your house and gives you socks full of candy…..? So of course that means that no stores can be open!! STUPID BEFANA!!

This week was fun! New Years we were in bed and suddenly it literally sounded like all these huge bombs and guns started going off. We both jumped straight out of our beds. hahah! It was way fun. We watched hundreds of fireworks from our balcony!! The next day was deep cleaning day. We stay in all day (happens three times a year) and clean all day long. It is so nice to get everything clean and tidy. Later we went to pranzo with a member and they fed us lamb.... of course! They cooked the whole thing!!!!!! Everyone was eating brain and hearts and tongues and I was throwing up!

So my new years goal is a study I'm doing that will last until the end of my mission!! I was listening to the song "More Holiness Give Me" and I decided to study one lyric every week. So this week I studied "more strivings within" (motivation and diligence) and next week I'll be studying "more patience in suffering" I'm sooooo excited!! Im calling it "The More Holiness Give Me project!" if anyone wants to join me!

so, OH YEAH. I'm staying in Sassari with Sorella Knudsen for anther transfer!!!! WAHOOOOO!!! Anziaon Woolsey and Robison are leaving though… which is sad cause all of us were sooooo close!

So I have the most evil companion!! haha! So, last night I'm praying and I'm in our room alone and I hear "hey can you hear me" in this super creepy man voice!!! So I end my prayer and tell Sorella Knudsen what just happened. Then she came in our bedroom and we heard the voice again (and it sounds like its coming from outside! on our balcony) So we both yell, grab a pair of scissors (obviously for protections) and hide on her bed. The door to the balcony is right next to my bed. So we didn't hide over there! Then we hear the voice again and we are like crying!! So we call the Anziani and they tell us to say a prayer, but dont close your eyes because there could be a man in your house!!! ha thanks Anziani!!! Ten minutes of screaming later we found a voice recorder taped to my bed.. sorella knudsen was behind it the whole time!!!!!!!! hahah. So, thats my story for you this week!

Anyways, I have no time. I love you all so much. I hope you have a best new years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! vi voglio un sacco di bene!!1
Sorella felice
photos!! best pic of my whole misson!!! I love this graffiti and we finally decided to get a pic with it and I tried to jump with my Book of Mormon and I accidentally threw it when I jumped. Sorella Knudson just happened to get the photo. It's awesome! I love all the flying pass along cards!! 
ok the other one is priceless. its everyone eating lamb and I found this on Anziano Woolseys camera hahah

Ti amo signore con mio tutto il cuore!!

Ciao tutti!!

Ok, this week was pretty fun!! Last week we went to Castelo Sardo! It was a blast!!!!! We went there and climbed the mountain and went to the castle! I felt like it was a dream it was BELLISSIMA (beautiful)! The water was so clear and everything was so green and I just fell in love with Sardegna even more! hahah! I'll send pictures!

We also went to Cagliari this week. I was supposed to do a scambi down there with Sorella Caramia. Sorella Knudsen was going to do one up here but when we met in Oristano (half way between both of our cities) Sorella Knudsen and Sorella Mistura missed the last train to Sassari so all of us just stayed down in Cagliari. I felt bad though cause Sorella Knudsen didn't have ANYTHING! She had to borrow some of the other sisters clothes :( Anyway, after that we went to Oristano (a day and a half later) because we had ZONE CONFERENCE!!I love zone conference!!! It's so fun! This time Sorella Waddoups did the nativity with us! She picked out characters for all of us and had outfits and everything! Yeah, so guess what character I was.... the freaking sheep!! hahahahah of course!! It was too funny!!! Anziano Woolsey in my district was the donkey though, hahah! So I'm happy that I was just a sheep!! 

The next day we had our ward Christmas party!!! It was AWESOME!! Tons of people showed up and even Babbo Natale!!!! (Santa Claus) He had gifts for all the kids and it was so cute! I was taking pics and he pulls out this present from his bag and looks at me and he is like “I have a gift for the Sorelle!” hahah then we watched" "Joy To The World" and of course because I'm with a bunch of Italians we ATE!.... a lot...

I learned how to make the best red sauce for pasta this week!! It's so good!!

Sorella Knudsen and I decided that after Capo Di Anno, we are starting a hard core diet!! haha These Italians are making us so fat!! We have a member appointment every day this week!.... Santa Lucia!

Anyway, so I guess in Italy christmas lasts for three days?!? You have Christmas Eve, then Christmas (the 25th) and then the second day of Christmas (the 26th). I guess that the second day of christmas is only for eating! So all of the members made sure we had some where to go for every meal!! hahah! Oh Italians….

Anyway, I love you all so much and I cant wait to CALL YOU ALL IN 2 DAYS!!!!!! Im dying!!! I'm so excited! I might cry for the whole hour long call!! Really I"m so excited!! You guys mean the whole world to me and I feel like it's the best Christmas present I've ever received to be able to talk to you guys! You really do mean everything to me! Especially Mom and Dad! I love you guys and miss you terribly! Thank you for everything you have done for me! Thank you for teaching me this gospel and for teaching me that I have a Heavenly Father, thank you for teaching me about Gesù and what the real spirit of christmas is (white envelope on the tree ;) I love you with all my heart!!
Sorella Felice
ok lots of pics. We also went to a cemetary to do finding (plan of salvation) and they were so old and crazy!!!!!!! So I sent some pics of the cemetary! One of them is sorella knudsen and i doing door to door....for the dead hahahah

Every door knocked in Italy is a baptism in S. America.... your welcome S. America

Ciao tutti!!!

First off I'm really sorry if I don't get to writing everyone letters today

Today we are going to Castelo Sardo (a small town by the beach) and our train leaves in like 45 min so Scusatemi! This week was CRAZY!!! I can't believe it's only been one week! It feels like it's been 3! WE HAVE A NEW SIMP!!! He is so amazing!!! We found him doing strada and he is super curious about the church and he asks a bijillion questions! He is super interested in reading The Book of Mormon and seeing if its true. I'm just super excited for him!!!!! His name is Angelo (means angel!!) hahah. Ok, so last time we taught him he said "ok, I have a really serious question..... what do you think about animals. "?!? hahah funny question (I guess he is a vegetarian) Animals and souls are really close in italian so i thought he asked what we thought about souls! I'm just super excited and so happy to be teaching someone!!!!!!!

This week we went to the Carbonis to do service again and it was super fun!! We got to do construction. Last time we pruned their olive trees, this time we put up their ceiling in their house!! super fun!!! I learned that I'm pretty good with hammers. Must be all that batting practice!

We had a HUGE party for our corso d ingress (English Class) this week!!! It was super fun! Everyone made food and we just partied at the church!!! 

So we are starting to go caroling in centro!!! its so fun!! Sassari is totally my city in the misison I AM IN LOVE WITH IT!!! Its so bellissima!!!! We do finding at night cause everyone is out! and there are tons of christmas lights in these little old cute cobblestone streets! Last Saturday we found three traditional sardo bands playing music and a marching band. Everyone is just celebrating hard over here and I love it!!! It's so gorgeous! Tons of people are taking our billitini and talking to us since it's Christmas!!!! AHHHH I LOVE MY MISSION SO MUCH I CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU!!!!! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!

sorry this is so scrambled!!!

OH, so the other night we were talking to these teenage boys about english course and one of them said "oh you guys are christian?" Then he said "im christian too" then he grabs his shirt and rips it off right then, and there is this HUGE tattoo on his chest of some creepy clown with a cross????? haha! He is going to regret that one day!!!!!!
So I officially know practically everyone that lives in this small town of Sassari!! Finding is becoming harder and harder because everytime we go to talk to someone they are like "um… you've already given me one" shoot!

The other night (on nikkis birhtday HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI!!!!!!!!) We went to this religious conference in town because one of our ward members signed us up!!! (not good) it was super interesting though. There were all these people talking about how the youth can change the world and our ward member actually did really good! So it wasn't bad at all. But at the end the "prayer" was a musical religious group that was going to sing us a prayer... ok so they come out and its just a bunch of hippies! hahah and the guy grabs the microphone and says "according to me, I don't think that the youth today can do anything" I laughed so hard (on the inside) then they played a traditional Sard song called "Lu sole calau calau" that I'm absolutely in love with!!!!! Anyway, that was fun.

So the other day we had a lesson with one of our non progressing simps named Flora (I love her though, she is soooo crazy!!!) Anyway, she doesn't want to quite work to go to church (she has two jobs and the one is only on sunday) so we read with her "faith without works is dead" and she is like "you see what i mean!!!" "you need faith AND WORK!!!" Ahhhhhh she is crazy!!!! In Italian there is two different words for your works and your job "work" hahah I just love these people! 

Anyway, gotta go! I love you all so much and miss you so much more!!! Can't wait to see you on Christmas!!! I'm so excited!!! A member asked us about when we were going to do calls and I couldnt stop smiling all day because I couldn't stop thinking about being able to talk to you all!!! 
Sorella Felice 

PS Our branch President this week gave us this huge sack thing of cheese!!!!!!!! I will die when I leave italy and dont have all these flavors of cheese!!! I love the food here!! I really need to exercise more! 

my beautiful city!
the sac of cheese
and me with all the christmas lights!