Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Oh Pastore Perché Mai!!!!

Ciao tutti!!!

Ok well this week wasn't that exciting. We just did a lot of work (kinda what we are supposed to do, right?)! This week we got a bunch of street lessons in, it was awesome!!! One day we even got four numbers and had three return appointments for the next day! WOOT WOOT! It was AWESOME!!! MIRACLES! So that was kind of our week!
Sorella knudsen and I have started doing candle time (editors note: candle time is where you light a candle every night and as the candle burns the base of the candle is wider so it gets a little longer each night until Christmas. During this time you think about Christ, or sing a Christmas carol, or read a Christmas book, or make a Christmas treat. It is kinda like family home evening but it's every night and it's not as long) for Christmas!! It's seriously the best!!!! Our activities always involve food though... So we are really going to have to start a diet after Christmas! HAHAHA! We are also doing secret santa in our district so that should be super fun!!! I'm so excited!!! 

Ok, really nothing has happened this week. Ummm... we went to this store called "Auchan" that is just like walmart!?! We found mexican salsa and tortilla chips!!! So that was pretty awesome... this week we haven't spoken any english. That was interesting... I think i've improved a lot in one week but i still have a LONG way to go with this language!!!

Im sorry this is going to be such a short letter I honestly can't think of anything cool or exciting!!! OH NO, wait I CAN!! Yesterday we met this pazza (crazy) guy and we were talking to him. He was Athiest and we tried to tell him that his family is a gift from God because they make him happy.. Anyways, he was like "no they aren't a gift from God, they are a gift from me"?? Speriamo  (we hope) hahhahahah! All i could do was laugh he was so witty!!! Everything we tried to say he had the most witty come back so it was kind of fun talking to him. At the end we just bore our testimonies and walked away. but he sure was super funny.

Well, thats all I got! Love you all so much!!! I Hope you have the best christmas season!!!!! CON MIO TUTTO CUORE!!

Sorella Felice 
ps apparently "Felice" is a masculine name here.... thanks dad!

Cute Sorella Knudsen putting the star on our "poor mans" Christmas tree.

Our last district photo before Sorella Kippen left us :(

A cute less active member and her super fluffy kitty I just adore

Oh ya, remember how I live here. Isn't it gorgeous! 

We had a scavenger hunt in our english class. I was dying! So funny! 

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