Sunday, January 26, 2014

My Big Fat Catholic Italian Wedding

Ciao tutti!!!

Well this week was good! One day Sorella Knudsen and I were trying to see a meno attivi (less active). We have this plan to visit all of them (not that hard there arent that many) and leave them the talk “come join with us” by President Uchtdorf. Well anyway, we went to this one lady's house and she wasn't home. So we said "ok, lets leave it in her mail box and write her a cute note". We easily break into the first gate and then into the palazzo leave her the note and leave. As we are walking away I said to Sorella Knudsen... you know you're a missionary when breaking into apartment palazzas become really easy... haha We didnt even notice but we were totally just breaking into apartment buildings. hahaha oops

So, we have this member in our ward who is AWESOME! He owns a flower shop under our apartment building and he is just the happiest man in the world!! Anyway, we love to play pranks on him! So one day we he wasn't in the front so we ran in and hid and like five minutes later he shows up. Sorella Knudsen and I are like “ciao sono dio!!!” in a really deep voice (hello i am god!) and he jumped so high!!!! hahaha then he figured it was us and was like "yes, God I'm listening, what do you want me to do?" then we said “make the sorelle pizza!!” So fun, and funny. Anyways, two days later we come home for lunch and we receive a text from him saying “Ciao sorelle, there are two pizzas from heaven for you downstairs”  How nice is he!!!! Then we decided to make him cheesecake and we wrote “Manna from the Angels in heaven” hahaha (they dont have cheescake here so he was like what is this!! it really is manna!!” Our members are AWESOME!!!

So, this week we had a WEDDING in the church!!!!! There was a huge Catholic choir and they were clapping there hands and singing and it was really fun!!! The groom was some famous chef so the food was AMAZING!!! We met A LOT of people and got a lot of numbers! One lady grabbed a Book of Mormon and every pamphlet we put on display!! hahah (she was one of the members in the catholic choir) So, that was really fun!!! The bride is a meno attivi (less active), her dad though is the Branch Presidente in Olbia (in our district) 

Oh! We got a new simp this week!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOOO!!! Her son is a member and we had an idea to go visit them (they live far away) and read scriptures with him and his mom (who is evangelist). It went really well though and she loved the Book of Mormon and the story of Joseph Smith!!! We are going to go see them tomorrow. We are way excited!!! we are down to a pool of two investigators now... wahoo go us!!! 

HAHAH ok this is a funny story! So this week we are walking down this little street and these two guys are checking us out and whistling and being italian... (they were further away and we were walking toward them) So they are sitting there watching us and I say to Sorella Knudsen! “hey make a funny face/ugly face” So I pull this face and I will never forget what there faces looked like when they looked at me!! hahahahahhaha One of them made a gagging noise!! So, I found a good way to get guys to stop being gross!!!

Yesterday we went to a members house (she is from nigeria and her husband is italian and un po atheist)( i have never met more "christiany" people then africans. So I have no idea how they found eachother) We are having a lesson with him and she turns to him and says “every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ! I can't wait to see you confess Nicola!!" AWESOME! Then she says "i'm not scared, one day you will know Christ (and then in her african awesomeness she says) I can wait… I'm cool". Hahaha loved it!!! He got his boxes broken (humbled) a bit but he said he would pray!!! (He is actually the Anziani simp! So we were just invited)

well anyway that is about it!! I love you all so much! Remember how important this gospel is! Remember what Christ has done for you, you all mean so much to me!!!! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!
Con affetto
Sorella Felice  

the bride leaving
me at juliets house yesderday (nigerian lady) she lives in the country
one of my less actives I've been working with since I got here and her daughter that we want to teach

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