Friday, July 26, 2013

Warm Milk

Ciao Ciao!!!!

So this week was really good! we found 3 new investigators!!!! im so excited!!!! one of them is named blessing and she is from nigeria and she is so cute and she has the chubbiest baby in the whole world named gift and she has another girl named destiny and they are the cutest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i would have taken a picture but ive learned my lesson about taking pictures in camps so yeah.... anyway then we have another two who are in our english class and they are romanian and they are so cute and nice!! one of them asked us in our first lesson if she could be a missionary and asked if she needed to stop being orthodox to do that hahah i love them so much!!!!! the picture i sent is of them and i look super creepy in the pic so dont look at me haha
We went and saw a lot of members this week! we went over to this one coupls house and they had the cutest cat named horris and he was a part of the family!!! when we said a prayerhe husband put his arm around the wife and then the wife grabbed horris hahah it was like a cute little chain of love!!! They were super cute and super italian!!! they showed us pictures of their wedding and there cake was the colleseum!!!! hahah it was perfect!
On sunday we went over to the benitez famiglia and they are from bolivia and they are the funnest family ever!!! it was the moms birthday and so the son put together this huge suprise dinner for her and it was the cutest thing ever and she was crying and we had this AMAZING meal that her daughter made and while we are eating they are playing music like jason derulo and M&M and they played fun and it was just so fun!!!! they started playing backstreet boys and we were singing to it and they thought it  was so funny and they werer filming us singing backstreet boys hahah so embarasing but funny!!!
So make sure that someone films lauryn and nicole getting there calls because if they send me the video i can watch it!!!! im so excited!! everyone is going on missions hahah also make sure that when carly and rex get theirs to film it to!!!!
So this other day we were at this investigators house and she is probably the saddest thing ive seen in italy she is half paralyzed and cant get a job. she is pretty old and she lives in this rotting appartment and i dont think she is all there so we really just go to see her twice a transfer to make sure she is still ok we bring her food cause she isnt eating and its just so sad!!!! i think she might die soon and its just heartbreaking that no one takes care of her!! anyway we went to see her and she told us that she doesnt eat butter and that i should stop eating butter cause im too fat!!!! hahah thats the fourth time that has happened hahah so make sure you dont throw the treadmill away cause im going to need that when i get home apparently!!!!
Yesterday we had extra pday hours cause a couple weeks ago we didnt have pday we just did emailing and shopping so we went to centro and saw the vatican and the colleseum and went shopping at H&M again cause i need more clothes!! but it was really fun!!! it was just me and sorella mikesell!! the sad part about it though is we were in the middle of ancient rome all day and today i was going through my pics and the only picture i took of us is us eating at mcdonalds!! hahah it was weird though eating at mcdonalds it taste super different but the italians love it?????
Ok random fact about italy.... We do not refrigerate the milk........ weird huh!!!
Anyway i think the language is coming along better im still not there though but i feel like this next transfer i will get it down ahahh i think that i might be the only one staying out of the sisters in rome 3 which will be weird ill miss sorella mikesell tantissimo!!! but i think it will be good!!!
Ok anyway i love you all and i hope that you have an amazing week!!! make sure you never take for granted this gospel and the knowledge we have!! it means so much to people that therer heavenly father loves them and they cherish the church here!! make sure that you always realize what a blessing it is to be able to be apart of the church! make sure you always read the scriptures!!! they are EVERYTHING!!!!!! the scriptures are so important and make sure you read them every day! i love you all so much and i miss you like crazy and im so thankfull that i can be out here serving and i love you!!
Ci amo tantissimo!
Sorella Felice
Ciao Ciao

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