Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Ciao Tutti!!!

This week has been crazy!!!! First off Sorella Mikesell left me and it was super sad!!! She went down to Bari!!!!! I think I might have told you that but it's still so sad. She is going to be eating seafood everyday... and not like fish. I am talking about octopus and muscles and other weird seafood from the sea!!!!! blahhhhh! Anyway so Thursday morning she left and we went to Termini (train station) to drop her off. There is probably over 40 missionaries in the mcdonalds!!!! hahah, it was so funny!!! We walk in and we see them and we all just stop and we were like "WOW!!" It was all the new greenies coming in. So later that night (I had to be in a three some with Sorella Bradford and Sorella Pancheri) the senior couple in our ward picked up Sorella Pace and dropped her off in the special zone of God called ROMA 3!!!! So we were talking, getting to know each other, and guess what?? SHE WENT TO OLYMPUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and her Aunt and Uncle are the Mission Presidents of the Spain Barcelona mission. So he is Justin's Mission President!!! I felt so stupid because I totally knew that there were Pace's at Olympus. I should have figured it out. Anyway we counted, and in Italy there are 13 kids from Olympus serving missions here!!!!!!! crazy huh!!

That is so funny that Grandpa is from the Cosenza area because we were doing "casa in casa" (tracting) yesterday and we play this door bell game. What you do is ask a question like "will i stay here another transfer" and then you ring the door bell and if the door bell is like errrrrrrrr (like a buzzer) its a no. if it sounds like a ring than its a yes. Anyway we did one door and it was a "no" for staying another transfer. So then the next door i was like ok will I go to.......... COSENZA! (this is before I knew that is where Grandpa was from and it just popped into my head!!!!!!) and the door bell ring was a "yes"!!!!!!!! so i'm totally going down there next transfer!!!!!!!!! hopefully!!

This week Sorella Pace and i are putting up english course posters and we see this guy is looking at the poster. So I asked him if you would be interested and he was like "yeah yeah"!!! So then we tell him that we are missionaries for our church and he said "yeah, i would like to come to your church" (ok, this never happens EVER!!) So we get really excited! We were having a hard time communicating with him because he was speaking mostly Spanish. So we asked him where he is from and he says "Spain, i just moved here a month ago". Then he pulls out his phone and hands it to me and he is showing me a picture of HIS BAPTISM IN SPAIN!!!! HE IS A MEMBER!!!! He had just barely moved here and for weeks couldn't find the church. Anyway that was by the grace of God we found him!!! so neat!

This week we had this one lady I met on the street come to english course. She is beautiful! She is from India and is a Muslim. So, since she is Muslim we aren't allowed to teach them unless they ask us to. So that's fine. The next day we had an activity with the ward to watch the leadership broadcast. Afterward we would have dinner. So, I'm watching the broadcast and suddenly I look back and she is there! We have talked to everyone and no one knows who told her about it. I sat by her and explained how our church was organized and it was super cool!!! She had even brought food???? SO WEIRD, BUT AWESOME!!! Then on Sunday she came to Sacrament! This is seriously unheard of. So great. I want to teach her SO BAD!!!! But we can't until she tells us to! She is keeping more commitments then a progressing investigator, but we still can't teach her. Oh well, cool story!

At one of our english courses this week, I was saying goodbye to everyone and I said "Ciao Tutti" then turned around to walk out the door but I ran into the wall instead and fell over! The WHOLE WARD SAW IT!!!! SO EMBARRASSING

So the other day it was 40 degrees which means like 100 and it was SOOOO HOT!!! Plus all the humidity!!! I ended up getting heat rash on my neck. It's fine now, it was just super hot!

Also I think our mailman died! We haven't gotten mail in over a month!! I really like, and miss, dependable mail! haha.

So on Sunday one of the Stake Presidency people came and gave a talk in our ward. All of his kids were wearing future missionary tags!!! It was sooo cute!!!

OHHHHHHH GUESS WHAT!!!!!! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE 5 BAPTISMS!!!!!!!!!! The other Sorella companionship have two that are super solid. One of the Anziani (Elder) companionship have another 2 and the other Anziani have 1! It's so unheard of here in Italy. Like it's SOOOO CRAZY!!! If only I could tell you how and have you understand how weird and unheard of this is! We were lucky to have had one last transfer!!!! Sorella Pace and I have been doing more "less active member finding" everyday this week, but hopefully we can find an investigator as well!!! We figured that we might as well help the ones we already have (the ones Heavenly Father has entrusted to us) before he is going to give us new sheep.

So one of the days we were going "less active finding" we saw this whole wall with stick figure women holding hands painted on it. So we decided to take pics of them. No big deal, right? Then we were coming back and we realized that all the women figures were homicide victims!!!! acca awkward!!!!!

oh so we took the best pics this week we took one on some ruin aquaduct and we did repentance pics like Samuel the Lamanite style, right! (see below if you are confused) hahah

So last night we were trying to decide what to do for pday and Sorella Pancheri tells us she wants to go to the city that has tons of statues........ I sure hope we can find it today here in Rome!!!! Almost died laughing! hahah

Anyway today i was reading in alma when the Sons of Mosiah were talking about their missions and I found a chapter that perfectly describes my mission!! It talks about how they were spit on, how they were smittin (almost was smote on a bus by a crazy drunk guy), how they were stoned (check), and how they were thrown in prison (only have that one left). But, at the end he said "that I can not say the smallest part of what I feel about my mission." Anyway, that is what i feel like! I can't begin to tell you how much this mission has changed me and how much I LOVE IT! I'm just so grateful that I was able to come out here... Anyway I love you all so much and NICOLE, I CANT BELIEVE YOUR GOING TO TIJUANA!!!!!! YOUR GOING TO BE SO G!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway love you all have the best week!!!!!!!!! vi voglio bene!!!

Ciao Ciao Sorella Felice

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