Sunday, May 18, 2014

Two Pidgeons one Fava Bean!

Ciao Tutti!!!!

Well first off I just want to thank everyone! This week was so amazing and I could all of your prayers. In fact I KNOW it was because all of you were praying for me so thank you!!!!! 

This week went so well! Last week was probably the hardest on my mission so far. This week I think God gave us a break! hahah Everyday just went perfect! 

First off Tuesday we went to Lucera to have a lesson with our investigators and they wanted to show us the castle there... So we went and did that and then we had a great lesson on the Atonement!!! Then we went back a couple days later and did a lesson on the plan of salvation with a member there with us. It went SOOOO WELL!!!! The lesson was so good!!! The member we brought, her name is Raffaela and she is one of Sorella Rossels investigators that got baptized! She was baptized last year and super cute! She answered all of their questions PERFECTLY!! Plus they brought a friend who was curious so we had a referral! I feel like the spirit was sooo strong in all of our lessons this week!!! 

We have this cute mom and daughter that we are teaching right now and I JUST ABSOLUTLY LOVE THEM!!! With my whole heart i love them!! Anyway the Mom knows the Book of Mormon front and back and her daughter it the cutest!!! They are both ready to be baptized but the Mom is a little hesitant. 

Then we have this new less active that we found and she kept giving us bidones (no shows). After one of the no shows this we we sent her an upset text because she no showed again after we had set the appointment and took the time to travel there. She sent us a text back saying .. "you're right Sisters. I'm sorry. Next time I'll be there!!" So the next lesson we had with her was super good and I've never felt the spirit in a lesson that strong. We both kept getting promptings of questions to ask her and basically the whole lesson turned into a we ask questions and she answered them. It went really well!!! 

anyways, besides that this week we also had a WARD BEACH PARTY (at the church due to non existent rain)(italians are babies when it comes to "it might rain") and that was super fun!!! We had a BBQ and a member brought (get ready for this ) TABASCO SAUCE!!!!!! So basically I drank all of it! hahah. We played Uno and football, soccer, and volley ball. super fun!!

So one of the times we went up to Lucera it was later at night and our train to go home was at nine (cause we have permission to get home at 9:30 if we have a lesson) So we are teaching and its going really well and all of a sudden sorella baker kicks me under the table and points to her watch and it was 8:45!!! Our train is leaving inl 15 min and the station was across the city!!!!!!!!!! So we are like "sorry, we gotta say a prayer and run so we can catch our train" So we just busted it through this tiny city and as we are running I have this image come to my mind of Bella from Twilight running through that Italian city. hahah (which that city is actually in puglia) Anyway as we were running I couldn't stop laughing. I twisted my ankle like 80 times though on the stupid cobblestone. So hard to run on. (editors note: I'm guessing they caught the train because she never said she missed it)

One day this week, one of my most favorite members in italy had a lunch for all the missionaries and she went all out and fed us more than I've ever had in my life! hahaha! Sooooo good!!!

The week ended with a baptism on Saturday which was really good. The guys name is Temple (he is Anziano Birbergs simp) He is super cool and african. So that was my week.

I'm super excited to see you all next week for MOTHERS DAY (my new favorite holiday) Anyway love you all so much can't wait to see your smiling faces!!!!!! MWAHHAHA 
Sorella Felice 

ps the title of my email is how italians say two birds with one stone. by the way fava beans are really gross!!! also the anziani here had to go to napoli today to do stuff with there visas and they are bringing us back REAL NAPTOWN PIZZA!!!!! so excited 

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