Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I Kissed a Pig

Ciao tutti!!

Summer started in rome this week...... sono finito.

haha jk! I just have to get used to swimming to my appointment instead of walking because as soon as you step outside you are drenched. HAHA And if you ever get thirsty all you have to do is breath! I bought myself one of those chinese fans. I got it for 1 euro. It's the best thing I've bought since being in Rome! It goes with me everywhere... in fact im using it now! 

So this week was pretty steady, not a lot happened. However one of my investigators is getting baptized on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooo excited for him. He is the cutest old man and he is sooooo ready!!!! His name is Michele and he is the one that fed us purple sausages. You will never believe what happened this week... we taught him a lesson and he said "can you guys come over for lunch tomorrow?" So we said "yes" because we need to see him everyday before his baptism. Ok, so we get to his house and our first course is of course pasta, and after pasta comes meat... well lets just say that pig tongue was on the menu!! We had to eat it!! Then he tells me that he bought them because they are super spicy, and Calabrians like spicy things so he made one tongue for everyone except me.... I got two ;) lucky lucky me.....

So im in my second transfer!! I don't know where the time has gone!! Sorella Mikesell is probably one of the funniest people I've ever met in my life! I just laugh and laugh all day. She is super bold and will speak her mind but she says things in the funniest ways. I just love her! We cant speak a lick of italian together but that's ok.. we will learn super fast this way!! In fact I have felt my Italian improve a lot this week which is good!

So yesterday we were on the tranino (tram). We were going to the mission office to print the programs for Micheles baptism. I sat by these three old ladies and they all had the most beautiful Chinese fans. Here I am with my really cheap ugly purple plain one! So I started talking to this one lady about the weather and how her fan was beautiful (my companions think I'm crazy for buying a fan! But they use it too, so I know they love it. But they were just watching me thinking I was crazy). Anyways, I told her I had bought it at a Chinese mall and then this lady proceeds to show me everything she had just bought from the Chinese mall... like every little item. I just watched as she showed me over thirty items she bought! So then I said "oh by the way we are missionaries and offer a free english course" and I gave her a bilitini (pass along card). She starts talking to me again, but I can see another lady looking at me. So I give her a bilitini. Then she starts talking to me. So I have these two really old ladies talking to me all at the same time! So then I turn to my side and give another bilitini to the other old lady then she starts talking. All three of these old ladies are talking to me at the same time so I'm not understanding a word they were saying!! I was like "Sorella Bradford help me!!!" (she went with us) So as I'm trying to get Sorella Bradfords attention this young guy sitting on the other side of me takes out his ear phones and was like "do you need help" HE SPOKE ENGLISH!!!! So he started translating for me and all these ladies were talking about is there grandkids and how I had blonde hair! hahaha!!! They all got off the tranino and I gave another bilitini to the young man that helped me. Anyway, thats really the only fun/weird story I could think of this week. Sorry it's so scattered and there isn't periods and it probably doesn't make sense.

I cant believe that Wes is home!!!! It's so weird!!!! The video was so cute. I was crying in the internet cafe and my Comp was staring at me laughing! HAHA! He is such a good brother!!! By the way Mom your hair is super cute!!! Did you get it done for your birthday? Nikki you look soooooooooooo good!!!!! and Carly you are still on crutches!! when are you going to have surgery? Stir you need to shave! Matt your laugh always makes my day!!! When Matt and Wes hugged it was so cute!!!! Marley looked happy to see Wes! hahah and Nathan and Bryans mohawks were AWESOME!!! Jill you looked BEAUTIFUL as always!!!!! Tim thanks for the video!!

So the work is going good this transfer. We basically have to work with the other companionships because we are having a hard time teaching our investigators in italian. So President Kelly told us that next transfer they are probably going to sweep out a sister companionship becasue that was the plan for this current transfer but there wasn't any room for us any other places. We also got a new companionship of Anziani (Elders) so now we have four Anziani, four Sorella, and a senior couple just in our ward! CRAZY!!!

I love my mission so much!!! I can't believe how lucky I was to come on a mission. It is the best decision I've ever made in my whole life! I know that this gospel is the true gospel of Gesu Cristo! I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. As I read it everyday I learn so much. The Book of Mormon can help us in our everyday life with any problems we might face. If anyone needs any help from our Lord. READ THE BOOK OF MORMON! It's the fundamental base for EVERYTHING!! If we can have a testimony of the BOM then we have a testimony of Joseph Smith, a testimony of the gospel, and most importantly a testimony that God is our loving Heavenly Father and that no matter what... HE LOVES US!!! Ok I have to go but just remember to love everyone!!!! EVERYONE!!! Every single person on this earth is a Child of God and just love them!

Love Sorella Paula Felice

us picking up our new greenie OH who by the way does hair so she gave me a hair cut yesterday and does my hair every morning haha I LOVE HER!  oh so we picked her up and the mission home and sister kelly showed us how to make mormon tirimisu!!!!! it was so yummy!!!

Ok so this is probably one of my favorite investigators!!! her name is Moira and we found her through english course!!! (we are standing in our ward chapel) she loves cats (hence the cat purse) the first lesson we had with her I asked if you would like to learn more about the gospel and she said yes so after english course we had a lesson and she told us that we had a light in our eyes and she knew we had truth. And the first time in my mission I cried while bearing my testimony to her. Like I bawled and she was crying and everyone was crying and i just LOVE her!!! and she loves cats!! and so do i!!!!! there are millions of cats here its the best!

this is my new district, we were at our district meeting and we ran down stairs and ordered a pizza for all of us (so eight pizzas) however i couldnt eat all of mine so the elders ate the rest. the pizza here is very thin so its extrememly possible to eat a whole pizza

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