Ciao tutti!!
Ahhh so this week has been SO crazy! It's the end of my first transfer and guess what??? I'm going to...... stay in Rome three! But I'm leaving Sorella Bradford!!!!! :( AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH aiutami!!!!! I'm going to be with Sorella Mikesell! Which is going to be super fun (and mom you know her). The only problem is that she just finished her training this week. She has only been out Six weeks longer than me, and we both speak the same amount of Italian YIKES!! I don't know how we are going to talk to people, but that is ok, we will learn faster this way! I'm really excited because she is the funniest human being on this planet!
ok, so what else happened... So last P-Day we went to try to find this healing waters church and one of the members was like "oh i'll show you where it is" and then ended up taking us to her work??? Anyway she works in the congress library for Italy!!! So it turned out super cool. There were the oldest books you could ever imagine!! They had the original blue prints for St. Peters and the Vatican!!! And they had ancient war accounts, but the coolest part was that it used to be a convent. And hundreds of years ago guess who lived there? GALILEO!!! We went and saw his room!!!! so cool!!!
I got super sick this week which was fun... Especially at dinner appointments when i had to eat those huge olives! But I couldn't taste them cause my nose was clogged... mwahhahahahha! Oh so I'm pretty sure that the Lord has blessed me during meal appointments to have the biggest throat in the world!! Because Italians never cut their olives, they just eat them whole! So I basically have become pro at just swallowing them whole so i don't have to taste them!
So we have an investigator who is getting baptized in two weeks! It's super exciting! His name is Michele and he is from Calabria so he calls me Calabria (its really cute)! I think I might have told you about him. Anyway, so this week we went over for a meal appointment and he always makes Calabrasian food for me. You won't believe what he cooked us......... PURPLE SAUSAGE! I was sooooo scared to try it, but it was so yummy! It really was purple though!!! Italians are so funny, they always have a five course meal for us! It always goes pasta dish first , then they serve you meat, then after a pane (bread so goood), then a salad, then usually dessert! The worst is we have to tell them "ok so we have already eaten so don't cook dinner for us" then we get there, and they have a five course meal for us! AHHH so full!!!
So obviously since we are in Italy there are churches every fifty feet! All day we can hear church bells and I used to think it was really pretty and so Italian, but now it is sooooo annoying! They seriously NEVER stop ringing!!!!!!
Ok, So funny! So we are coming back to our apartment this week.. and there is this huge guy that was standing by the gate. So we opened it and he walked in to the courtyard and suddenly he crop dusts on us!!!!!!! (farted on us) and it was the worst thing i've ever heard and smelt!!! I think he might have had that purple sausage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So since we all got sick this week everyone has had a hard time sleeping (except for me cause i can fall asleep anytime anywhere!). So I guess I talk in my sleep every night! Everyone now waits until I fall asleep and then they try talking to me.. Its SOOOO embarrassing!!!! One night I was sleeping and I guess I said "don't stay here, come with me". So they were like "where are you going" and it's so embarrassing, I said "i'm going down into iniquity!!!!" Then they were all laughing, and asked where I was now and I said "prosperity and happiness". Well, I guess I have no proof of this happening since they told me the next morning... but you know you're a missionary when you talk in your sleep about iniquity and prosperity! haha! Also, they said that the other night I was full on speaking Italian!!! I was saying "I'm not guilty (senza colpa senza colpa)" haha. Good thing when I'm sleeping I can speak Italian, cause I definitely can't when I'm awake!!!
So the other night our apartment smelt like burnt toast. We all kept saying "it smells like toast" "it smells like toast" for like over and hour.. and suddenly right as we are alll about to go to bed, Sorella Andersen screams "shoot it smells like toast cause I'm making toast!!!!!!" She had left her bread in the toaster for over an hour!!!! hahah... she is funny!!!
Sorry everything is like twenty explanation marks and caps lock everywhere.... and sorry this is really long! I might not have time to wright letters today, but I love you all so much! I hope that you all have the BEST WEEK EVER!!!
Love Sorella Felice!!!
PS.. MAKE SURE YOU FILM AND TAKE PICTURES OF WESLEY COMING HOME!!! i cant believe he is dying from the mission. Sooooooooooo crazy I'm so excited to (if you film him) see him meeting Marley, Nathan and Bryan!!! love you guys!!!
Gaileo's Room
These are called BOMBA!!!!! best donut thing in the world!!!! they are really hot donuts (freshly made cause its italy) then they put sprinkle suger on them then fill them to the brim of explosion with nutella!!
(ps... paula said that you can tell that she is sick in this picture, red eyes and all)
My Aunt Margaret always blows rasberries into hydrangea while smothering her face in them. So this picture was Paula trying to do that.
They were bored at the bus stop so they were doing funny poses for the camera. This one is the a Sistine Chapel imitation
It was so hot and humid, her hair actually went "wavy"! She was shocked!
Her tan line
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