Ciao tutti!!!
Well, this week went well! I LOVED GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!!!! ahhhhhh! I just love love love this church and I have such a testimony of living day prophets!!!!! General Conference should be every week I swear!!!!!
Anyway what happened this week... hummm conference was awesome.. i already said that. In Italy (well actually I'm sure in most of the world except utah and idaho) everyone watches conference at the church. We also have such a different time difference we watch it at weird times like Six at night. So saturday we watched the Women's Conference (in italian) and then that night we watched the Saturday morning session!!!! IT WAS soooooo goood!!! I think that was my favorite session!!! Then Sunday we watched Saturday afternoon session and Sunday Morning. Because it was during lunch time no one came… Seriously. The Bishop wasn't even at the church. hahaha! Don't mess with Italians and their meal times!! I still haven't seen Sunday afternoon session so we will be doing that this week.
This week it rained A LOT!!! Luckily we never got caught in it (well actually it is way fun to get caught in the rain.)
Umm this week one of the Sorelle in the ward had her baby and there were a lot of complications... So they had the Sorelle go over every day to help her out. So we went over one day and all i did was IRON FOR HOURS!!!!! They seriously iron everything here!!!!! And when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING!!!!! I was ironing baby booties and snow hats and just the weirdest stuff!!! weird cultural things… but it is service right?? and that is why we were there.
I don't know if I have said this yet but one of the best things about Foggia is the food!!!! ITS SOOOO GOOD!!!! Since we are close to Napoli, we have mozzarella di buffala (which is GOLD here!!! everyone claims that there mozzarella is da buffala but its not true..... however here it it!!!!) So because we have the most prime mozzarella in the world we have the BEST pizza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also the gelato is to DIE FOR!!!! All the gelaterias are opening soon for spring and summer so..... watch out Foggia, Sorella Felice is here!!! hahah jk
I'm sorry that my emails have been soooooooo boring these last couple of months... you guys probably have stopped reading them! hahah.... I promise Italy is still crazy exciting I just see it all the time so its normal to me now. I did see a lady pooping behind a tree today.... thats all the crazy stories I have for you. Sorry.
So our investigators are not doing as well. Concetta and Miriana both passed there baptism dates without getting baptized.... Concetta gave us a no-show this week and didn't come to General Conference so we are really worried about that. She is still awesome I just dont think she knows the importance of these steps she is taking. She has almost quit smoking and her only problem is getting Roberto to marry her and quitting coffee.
Miriana is doing alright. She finished all her lessons and can get baptized tomorrow if she wanted to she just cant get permission from her Dad. We have tried to get the members involved with her parents but we haven't even been able to meet them so we are working really hard on that.
Anyway thats about all folks. LOVE YOU ALL SO MUC!!!! MWAHH!!!!
Sorella Felice
tacky italian photo store
no one at general conference
the cutest girl in the world with her new baby sister
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