SO GUESS WHAT!!!! I GOT TRANSFERRED!!!!! and I'm being transferred to somewhere I never ever EVER thought I would go!!!! also if you want to know i have to fly to my new area and i am only allowed ONE SUITCASE!!! OK here we go! my transfer call is that I'm leaving Rome three obviously and I'm going TO THE ISLAND OF SARDEGNA!!!!!! (i wish you could caps lock on the caps lock to make it bigger!!!) MY ZONE IS SASSARI!!! its a super small city and the very top corner next to SPAIN!!!!!!!! also you ll never guess!! THEY SPEAK A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE!!! ITS CALLED SARDO!! AIUTAMI!!! It's a mix of Spanish and Italian...... I don't even know Italian!!! oh and even a bigger twist! MY COMPANION IS YOUNGER THEN ME!!!! im her follow up trainer!!! It's going to me and my new comp Sorella Kippen in a little town in the middle of NO WHERE!!!! and also the people in my ward said that they don't even understand sardo and they are Italians!!!! PRAY FOR ME!!!!!!! oh and my city is pronounced "sauce a ree" I am actually really excited for it!!! I really wanted to go somewhere down in Calabria but I'm excited!! I can't wait to learn Spanish Italian and I'M JUST REALLY EXCITED!!!!
So this last p-day we went into Centro and we bought gelato and guess what flavor we got!!!!" BASIL!!! It was really weird eating like basily ice cream... hahah but it's soooo Italian!!! Also fun fact about gelaterias (gelato stores) in Italy. if you ask to try a flavor they get REALLY mad so you don't usually try flavors before you choose.
Did you ever find out if they have calabreses sauce at Grenatos??? Because I will die without that sauce!! I learned how to make it but I'm worried i wont make it as well!!!
OK, so last week I did a huge long scambi (when they switch companions) and on pday we went to piazza del popolo. We were sitting there watching everyone drive around on Segways and this gypsy comes up to me (I know another gypsy story (que roll eyes)) and he hands me a rose!! and I was like "non grazie" (No Thanks) but he kept shoving it into my hands. So I told him I wasn't going to pay him for the rose. Then he said "for free just for you!!" I said "Ok, if you want to give me a free rose, thats fine with me". Then he pulls out a friendship bracelet out of his pocket and ties it on my wrist (which im still wearing!) So I told him "Thank you" and then he leans in really close to me (like really close!!! I almost fell off my bench) and he says "a kiss is all it costs!!" hahahah!! Anyway I kept the bracelet but he got mad when I told him telling him I was a missionary for God. hahah he did take the rose away, but left the bracelet. funny story!
oh yeah and on this scambi I went to ostia which is right on the beach!!! it was really fun except we went to a dinner appointment and the members gave us meat and mozzarella balls (which is such a typical Italian meal) however for some reason they gave me 7 MOZZARELLA BALLS AND UNCOOKED BACON!!! NEVER EAT UNCOOKED BACON! It does some funky things to your stomach!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone else got salami and like 4 mozzarella balls! Why do I always get served the funky stuff??
So something funny about Italian fashion!! So Milan is THE fashion capital of the world, but by the time the trends reach Rome they are a little different.... the show "What Not To Wear" would be a very good asset here!!! However once the trends hit Sicily they just become HORRIBLE!! That was super random....
So I'm going to tell you about some of the missionary "problems" we have. Like "first world problems but this is a "First missionary problem". When one of your investigators has cute nail polish and you say "your nails are so pretty" They will then give you the bottle and say paint your nails and i'll come on Sunday to get the bottle back... Then, not thinking, you have another investigator who for some stupid reason I said the exact same thing and she got the same idea as the other investigator and now they both expect me to be wearing their nail polish in church on Sunday.... please help me..... missionary problems
Oh, So also on scambi this week I learned how to make EGGPLANT PARMESAN!!! its SOOSOOO good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We went over to our Filipino friends this week and they were having a girls night where they do each others hair and make up and stuff, so they made us join in. Then they made Filipino food for us ( SOOO GOOD) And then at the end they told us that our district is the closest district they have ever seen in Rome 3 EVER!! and it's so true!! at our last district meeting we were all crying. We even all bought matching scarves and ties and took pictures. EVERYONE said that they don't think they'll ever have a better district. We had 10 missionaries!! It was so fun and we had good traditions!! Its going to be SOOOOO sad to leave them tomorrow!!! By the way, one of the elders is coming to sardegna with me. Oh and SORELLA BRADFORD IS OPENING UP PALERMO!!!!!!! FOLLOW UP TRAINING ONE SISTER AND GETTING ANOTHER GREENIE!!! You probably don't know this but Palermo hasn't been opened for sisters for over 15 years. And when it was, it was closed very fast because its SOOOO dangerous (mafia)! It's in Sicily and she will be one of the only sisters that have ever served there!!! So cool!!!
One more story.. so last night we went to one of our ward members homes (WHO I LOVE!)!!! She told me that she wants my family to come over after my mission to have a huge pranzo (party)!!! Also they are Spanish and they love music so we always feel apostate going over there for dinner cause they listen to music during dinner. and Sorella Benitez said that I have the most beautiful voice she has ever heard?????? (bwahahah) She really meant it too?!! So weird!! Anyways, so we are over there and her daughter came in with their new dog and the dog runs and jumps on me on the couch and IT PEED ALL OVER ME!!!!! and our phone!!!!! That's our punishment I guess for not telling them we can't listen to music during dinner!!!
Also they told us that the US attacked syria?? is that correct??
Anyway I love you all so much and I hope that everything is going well at home and where ever else you might be!! I just want to say really fast how much I LOVE this work!! I LOVE IT!! I love that everyday I get to learn about our Savior and his love for his children!! I have such a strong testimony about the Book of Mormon! I know that small things are great things brought to pass. I have a testimony of this because before my mission I used to read my scriptures every night! But just by studying them instead of just reading them, I have grown SO MUCH closer to my Savior then I would have ever had if I had continued to just read! I promise you that if you study your scriptures every day you can over come anything!! Through the enabling power of our Savior Jesus Christ we can be strengthened in any situation!! All of this starts by just doing the little things!!!! I'm sorry that was really scatter brained!!! I just want to say that I love my Savior and I'm so thankful for the opportunity I was given to serve! I love you guys so much!!!
vi voglio bene sempre
Sorella Felice!
This is Doris - let me tell you about her for a sec. Doris is from Nigeria she left home at a very young age to go to school to read and while she was at school her Mom died. The lady she lived with beat her every day! She finally graduated elementary school when we was a teenager and left. She met her husband Sunny who is a member. They lived in Libia she was pregnant with her fist child Millicent and she was beaten several times while pregnant from people in the camp she lived in. So Sunny took her to Italy. While they were coming to Italy their ship sank and she and Sunny and her girl Millicent were on a raft for four days in the middle of the Mediterranean. Then when they got to Italy she found out she was pregnant with Divine. She ended up going into early labor which she almost died from and Sunny ( I love him) found out she was in the hospital, he dropped straight to his knees and prayed for 5 hours. He knew it was better to pray for her then try to make it to the hospital and end up not making it in time. Doris lived and now they live in a mafia owned refugee camp. I have so much respect for her and I have learned more than I ever thought I would!

Saying goodbye to our cute ward :(
Sorelle Pancheri and I blowing out Birthday Candles cause we are one day apart and I have no room in my "one suitcase" for the cake mix we bought to celebrate in October. So we decided to have a joint birthday party?!! haha. 22 was the only candles we have even though we are turning 20 and 21, So we just made do!