Monday, November 24, 2014

Its kind of lonely in a house of two…. unless you go into the kitchen at night… then you'll have hundred of friends!!!

Ciao tutti
Well this week was just hectic! the sorelle left and now its only me and sorella cano in the big scary house of monsters. We cleaned it really well this week though and we do the dishes every five seconds so that maybe the cockroaches wont have enough food and want to leave. (thats are plan but shhhhh dont tell the cockroaches!) This week has been super stressful cause we now have our work (which was a lot! not going to lie... like less actives potentials... etc.) and now we have the work of the other sorelle which was a lot bigger!!! AHHHHHH to many people to see in to little time! Also this week is the week of death in all of the mission . FERRAGOSTO. its so hot in italy during august that everyone leaves and goes on vacation, but this week is the actual week of holiday so all the stores are closed and everyone is GONE! so not only do we have a lot of work but we cant visit them cause everyone is at the beach or on vacation... wahoooo. I'm lucky that I'm not in a small city though like foggia or sassari. (they are like ghost towns for a month) at least cantania has tourists. 
AHHHHH also big news!!! I SAW ANZIANO BIRBERG THIS WEEK!!!! it was so exciting!!! he is going to palermo which is on the other part of the island also its another zone so that was the last time ill see him on the mission :( but it was super fun!!! love that kid! 
What else happened this week. Church yesterday was CRAZY!!!! first off we get there and all the members are waiting outside waiting for someone with the keys to come and open the gate. and sorella cano and i ask all the members if they can greet our simps that were coming to church and make them feel welcome (cause they don't... its a huge problem. last week we had someone new come and not ONE person said hi.) anyway then the members got in a huge fight and they were like sorelle how are we supposed to love these new people when we don't even love each other.... ughhhh so frustrating!!! i think its for this reason that this city used to be THE MISSION OF CATANIA and now its a city with four missionaries. anyway that stinked but then everyone brought a friend to church and we have TWO NEW REFERRALS!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy!!!! and we have appointments with them this week! so that was cool.
ok other than than nothing to exciting has happened (besides the fact that I'm getting fat here in sicily with all the good food!) look for the rolly polly at the airport in five weeks! LOVE YOU!!!!!! 
Sorella felice 

a giant leaf i found 
all of us at a phillipino party with a priest 

me and birberg

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