Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tuscany and Talking Donkeys

Ciao Tutti!!

This week was SUPER GREAT!!! We did a lot of missionary fun!!! (get it "misionary work" but instead of saying work, we say "missionary fun!!" ok sorry, not that funny. There is a possibility I might be going crazy) We will start at the begging (this sounds like its going to be a great story but really its just what happened this week)

Something funny, I guess I talk in my sleep every night. So in the morning everyone always tells me what I was saying. This week I woke up and they were all laughing. They told me that I kept saying "siamo missionaria per la chiesa di gesu cristo dei santi degli ultimi giorni, e noi abbiamo una messagio per tu!!!" That is my testimony. They told me I kept bearing my testimony in italian. hahah! Yes, I am truly converted now!! I can now not only dream about bearing my testimony, but its in Italian!!!! hahah! One time they told me I kept saying "senza colpa" over and over which means "i'm not guilty" haha. anyway... 

EVERYONE in Italy smokes, I SWEAR! So Sorella Pace and I are going to ciampino (a little city) on the train and we are we at the train station and we noticed a guy that was walking in the train tracks picking up cigarettes that aren't smoked all the way so that he can re-light them and smoke them. So sad. It must have been on both of our minds that day because now we have this new game where we try to find good cigarettes for that man.. we will be walking and be like "oh look at that one!!" anyways, like i said "missionary fun!!!!" (thats me being sarcastic!) 

OK, SOMETHING SUPER FUNNY!!! Sorella Pace and I were trying to find this lady named Zhora!! We are clear out in the middle of nowhere and we are sitting on a bus **ok side note , there are foreigners in Italy that will sit at a stop lights and when cars stop they will try to clean their windows for money**  So one of these people come up to the bus we were on and they take their rag and draw a heart around me and Sorella Pace's faces with soapy water on the window. hahah Anyway, everyone is just starring at us on the bus cause we have these soapy hearts by our faces.... that might be hard to understand. I'll try to send a picture!! It made our day! 

So this week i've realized when people are speaking Chinese, for some reason when i'm not really listening it sometimes sounds like they are speaking english.... something is wrong with my ears!!! It has happened about 4 times this week! I'll turn and say "hey they are speaking english" and then we  will all listen and they will be speaking Chinese.. Seriously! What the! 

OK BEST PART OF THE WEEK! I WENT ON SCAMBI WITH SORELLA BRADFORD TO THE MIDDLE OF NO WHERE!!! We got on a train to find a referral and we go out to the mountains near Rome. When we finally get off the train, we have a little map book to try and navigate with. Within ten minutes we are walking through vineyards and groves of olive trees! it was so amazingly pretty!!!!!!!!!!! Then we realize that we have to walk pretty far. By the time we got to this referral's home it had been over 5 hours of walking!!! I really didn't mind though! We were walking past this grove of olive trees and these dogs come running at us barking, then out of no where COMES A DONKEY!!! Sorella Bradford looks over and she like "hmm, oh look olive trees.....and a jerusalem...." hahah! Anyway, it was a super fun journey! We got to the referrals street and we were on house 24.  We looked at the address and her house was 701! So, we walked a little longer and it was just so fun! It seriously looked just like Tuscany!!!!!! We ate some grapes along the way and just had a good time doing missionary work!!!!!

So this week is "ferr agosto". everyone is on holiday here and all the stores are closed, ALL OF THEM!!! There is nothing to do here for our P-day. So our President is actually having us stay in for a whole day this week to just clean our apartments, which i'm stoked about. I've been dying to clean that place for a while now and we never have enough time on p-day to deep clean. It will feel so good!

So my companion Sorella Pace went to Olympus and it's super fun. We will be talking about stuff and she'll say something like "oh, its by the s curve" or "this granite (slurpy) tastes like Bobs Brain Freeze" or "shivers is the best burger place".. It's just so fun to be able to talk about the same things about home when we are all the way across the world, and we know exactly where each other grew up. It's just fun!

Anyway that was my exciting week. I hope you are all having a great week!!! i love you all so much and miss you! Every night when i'm on my knees I pray for all of you!!!!

LOVE YOU!!!!! Sorella Felice!!!

Window hearts the guy drew around our faces! 


DONKEY! Miniature Jerusalem

The street name was "Island of Cyclops" 

I was eating some grapes, in the vineyard! 

We were tracking and this lady had a sign on her door that basically said how God loves all his children and had a bunch of scriptures on it. We thought that would be a good door to knock on! 

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