Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I got spit on by a GYPSY!


Ok so every ones emails this week were SOOOO FUNNY!!! People think something is wrong with me at the Internet point cause I've been laughing for like a straight twenty minutes!!!

Ok I'm going to start with what happened last p-day! we went into centro to buy gifts and shirts and things for people and we noticed on the way there that there were tons of Gypsy's on the metros. So we are coming back and I see this group of teenage girl Gypsy's (they are the worst!!!!! so catty). They were spotting out people with wallets in their back pockets and I usually just stare them down and they go away because they don't want to be caught. OK, so this one looked super evil, in her pink sparkly tank top, and I was glaring at her and she was glaring at me and then she started dancing???? Then the metro came... dum dum dum!!! so she runs up to this old man from Chicago (they get them as they go onto the metro so that the doors shut right as they pic-pocket them) and so I follow her (were like running at this point) and she goes into his pocket and I push her so she doesn't get his wallet... she pushes me.. I push her again off the metro. Then she hocks a luggi at my face! Then Sorella Bradford elbows her in the stomach  :) and the man from Chicago thanked us.. prego!! also her spit was super stinky..not that you wanted to know that. (**Editors note** In the MTC they were trained on how to react when getting robbed or seeing another person get robbed by Gypsies. They are told to be very aggressive. If they are not aggressive the Gypsies will know that they can take advantage of you. Plus, it probably helped this man from Chicago have a good outlook on the LDS church.) 

Ok so this week we didn't really do anything!! we had p-day then it was ferr agosto (big Holiday in Italy)!!!!!!! every store was closed, no buses, no trams, no metros, no NOTHING!!!!! NO PEOPLE!!! It's one of the biggest Holidays! and so we were told not to go out because contacting would just make people mad. So we cleaned our apartment for 6 hours!!!!!! Then the next day we had zone conference which was sooooooooo fun!!!! I love zone conference!!!! I'll send some pictures!!! the next day was Saturday and everything was still closed and Friday was supposed to be our weekly planning day so we planned Saturday then went finding for hours!!!

I FOUND THE BEST GELATO IN ITALY!!!!!!!!!!! ITS SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!! Also random fact, have I ever told you guys that Italians put cream on top of their gelato... no joke they scoop your gelato onto the cone then put a huge thing of cream on the top!!??? I also found the best cereal in the world!!!!! its called master crumble and that is seriously all I ate this week besides tomatoes (I'm serious all I ate was tomatoes with vinegar and cereal) OH jk I did had a sandwich one day!

Oh by the way i need someone to check for me if they have mozzerela di bufala in the states. Its buffalo mozzerela and it it the best thing I've ever eaten!! also master crumble :) oh and check if they have calabrese sauce at granatos?? thanks!!!

So my comp and I have this new game for language study when we are on buses and stuff (not are real language study but just through out the day) So we sing a song and the other one has to translate it into Italian hah its soooo funny!!! Also we figured out how to do the hunger games bad lip reading in Italian and we were laughing about it for hours!!! Like one is adesso sono loco crazy!!!! Sorry, that was random!

So the Anziani (Elders) had a BAPTISM this week!!!!!!! and they have another one on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!! our district is on FIRE!!! We have five baptisms scheduled!!!!!!! this NEVER EVER EVER happens!!! (which reminds me of t-swift never ever ever... "noi saremo emo emo mai piu inseime") ok anyway i just cant believe how much progress our zone is making!!! My companionship is still really dead (as far as investigators goes) but we do a TON of less active work!!! We do have the biggest district in the mission (ten missionaries) and we can definitely see the results of the increase of missionaries. IT'S SO AMAZING!!!! Usually in our mission we get 10 to 15 baptisms a month and our district has 5 scheduled!!!! It's soooo cool!!!! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!! one of the girls getting baptized this Saturday is this cute phillipino. She asked me to speak at the baptism!!!!!! It's in English though, cause she is English. hahah She also asked me to bake brownies :) hahah she is so cute!!!

SO I AM NOW OFFICIAL IN ITALY!!!!! I got my PERMESSO!!!!!! (it just means i can stay here till next September but WAHOOOO!! The weather is starting to go down which is nice!!! it rained yesterday it was soooo nice to escape the heat for a day!!

Anyway random fact of the week.... Italians consider it rude to eat fruit with your hands (like eating and apple) so they cut and eat their fruit with knives. Which sucks cause that means you can't take an apple and eat it on the way because they will look at you like you've killed their child..

Today we went to this castle and it was beautiful!!!! We then ended up at the Vatican some how... that always seems to happen... and yeah

Anyway (I'm sorry i use anyway a lot) that was what happened this week!!! I love my mission so much!! It's just the best! we found some new fun ways to find and its been super effective and I just love being able to talk to so many people and share with them things that can help them!!! I love you all way too much and miss you like crazy!!! I wish you could all be here in Italy with me while I worked!!!!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!!!
Love Sorella Felice!!!!

This was a picture my Mom drew for Paula after Paula's Super Hero run in with the Gypsy's this last week. Paula always loved the PowerPuff Girls and Blossom was her favorite, so what better of a super hero to draw her as. So my Mom translated Blossom into Italian (Fiore) and put a missionary tag on her. 


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