Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Michele's Baptism

Ciao Tutti!!

SO THIS WEEK MICHELE WAS BABPTIZED!!!!!! It was so amazing. He is just the cutest guy ever. He was so ready!!! He was really scared to go all the way into the water. We had to practice all week how to be baptized. So he was was so cute he walked into the font and just popped a squat, like SOOOOO ready! hahah! His hand kept coming up so he was baptized 4 times. HA! And the last time he went all the way under and the ward started to clap :/ and we couldn't really stop them... so we were like "oh well" and started clapping with them. He did a little bow. It was so cute!!!!

So i forgot to tell you last week a bird landed on my head!!!!!!!!!!! I was so scared. I was almost in tears... but anyway, that is kind of random. Yep a bird landed on my head!!

In Italian "il singore" means "the Lord" but I keep pronuncing the last "e" sound wrong. So basically, when I say "the Lord" I kept  saying "a spanish man" instead. YIKES. So I've been trying to work on that one....

So this week im sitting in the bedroom eating dinner and everyone is in the kitchen making their dinners. I then hear Sorella Mikesell say "ahhhh I hate my companion!!" and i'm like "ought oh... what did i do?" So she comes into the room and she's like "DID YOU EAT ALL THE HOT SAUCE!!!!" and I said "the hot sauce on the fridge" and she says "well yeah!" and then I said "Well yeah, because it was mine...." She started to laugh and she was like "I'm so sooorry!!!" I thought it was everyone's and I've been using it this whole time!!!" HAHAHA. She is sooo funny!! We seriously laugh all the time!

We have this less active guy that we have been working with and he is from Nigeria. He is actually a prince in Nigeria which is super cool!?!?. We met him on a bus one day and he was just like "OH YOU GUYS ARE MORMON! GUESS WHAT IM MORMON!!" Awesome! He is super funny. We had to teach him all the commandments over again, and we were explaining the law of chastity and he says "YES" "This is a perfect excuse to break up with my crazy girlfriend!!" (she is CRAZY!!!) and then he says "I'm going to find a nice pretty girl and take her back to my kingdom and make her a princess.... I LOVE THE LAW OF CHASTITY" I thought that was super funny cause when do you ever hear someone talking about that? hahah

So this week we were going to go visit one of our less actives and her daughter-in-law who is an investigator and they live in the mountains! So we had to take a two hour train out there and it was BEAUTIFUL!! It reminded me of the movie Mamma Mia but not on a beach... In the mountains instead. I'll send a picture! Anyway, she lived in this city at the very top of the mountain. So she picked us up in this teeny tiny car and it was super old!!! There are four of us and then her and her mom and we are driving up a mountain!! I thought the car was going to explode or die and then we roll down the mountain and die... but seriously though. HAHA! It was soooo fun though cause she was a crazy driver and we were all sitting on top of each other!! Then we got out of the car and the mom (who is really old) looks at Sorella Mikesell and she screams "There's a bug on your boob!!!!" So then she proceeds to hitting Sorella with her bag like eighty times... hahah! It was hilarious!! The town was called Madonna Di Pace and there was a road called the "sisters of forgiveness" so we got a picture with the street sign! Classic missionary picture, right? 

After that we went to the church and scrubbed the font clean for Micheles baptism. So we locked all the doors to the church and just cleaned!!!!

The other day we heard this music coming from one of our neighbors in another appartment building. So me and Sorella Mikesell went and looked through our balcony door. She is standing in her kitchen doing dishes and just dancing crazy to this like Italian oprah music.. It was fabulous. HAHAHA classic Italians...

Oh so another word I get messed up on a lot in italian is "buonissimo" and "benissimo" and one means "tasty" and one means "good". So I guess I've been asking everyone if they've had a tasty week! or I'll say "you are a tasty person" or like "Christ was a tasty example for us" So I've spent 8 weeks out here, and no one has told me i'm calling people tasty!!! I was so embarrassed!!!

The other day we got to go to the mission villa and sing the hymn of Rome with balloons and posters to the Kellys (Mission President and his cute wife) because they leave this week! It was so fun!! It was Rome one, two, and three!! I got to see Sorella Anderson!! It was really great. Sorella Kelly took us in and gave us m&ms and root beer!!!! It was the best!! Then after we were heading back, and our new district leader was talking to the office couple and suddenly he yells over to us "Hey guys come here, I got us a dinner appointment" and the office couple took us out to dinner!!! All 8 of us!!! (just our district)! They took us to this restaurant on the Tiber River and it used to be an inn for when people traveled to Rome. It's over 1000 years old!! We seriously had the best dinner EVER!!!! ITALIAN FOOD IS GOOD!!!!

Ok  so i dont have that much time left but here is a little joke for you!!!
Why is the Italy Rome Mission the best mission?  Because our first missionaries were Anziano Peter and Anziano Paul (Peter and Paul the apostles) HAHA. ok thats all folks!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH AND MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY!!!

Love Sorella Felice

Prison of the Apostles Paul and Peter

In the teeny tiny car

Teeny tiny car we all were in.

Michele's Baptism

Goodbye to the Kelly's

Yummy restaurant the Office Couple took us to.

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