Thursday, June 6, 2013

I Threw a Wish in the Well

Buon Giorno tutti!!

Ciao. So this week was pretty slow. A lot of our investigators couldn't see us and so we did A LOT of finding!!!!!!! On thursday, we went to this park and we were just talking to everybody we could see! ( I chased down a lot of people! like full on sprinting saying s"cusa singore scusa scusa"!!) but a lot of fun stories came out of it!! Sorella Andersen and I saw this old lady in the distance, and we could see that around her she had like five cats! So we told Sorella Bradford that we wanted to go talk to her. So we walk over to her and like three of the cats scurry off! She starts screaming at us in Italian saying "LOOK WHAT YOUVE DONE! CAN'T YOU SEE IM BUSY!!!" So we are like "oh sorry we are just offering a free engl...." "I DONT WANT ANYTHING YOU ARE OFFERING! I HAVE WORK TO DO" "ok well we just have a free english course..." "GO AWAY" "ok good luck" "ITS NOT LUCK, THIS IS WORK!!!"! So that was interesting she was just feeding all these stray cats... lesson learned, don't disturb the working cat ladies!! Then later on we were talking to these guys, and they were not interested and we were walking away and you will never believe what happened... They started throwing stuff at us!!! AGAIN!! Hahah I think i will call that succeeding though. Then that night we were going to our english course and this crazy lady who we see all the time came running up to us screeming.... she was crazy thats all i have to say about that one.

We had another scambi (splits) this week but the Sorella came to our zone this time. So she went with Sorella Bradford. So Sorella Andersen and I went out alone together. Anyway, that was fun and really interesting.

So last pday we went to the la fontana di trevi (famous Italian fountain)!! It was so big and I threw a wish into it!! So happy, and the we went and saw the collseo (Colosseum) it was HUGE!!! and its right in the middle of centro (ancient rome)! There were tons of cool things to see around it!! When you guys come to pick me up that is where we are going to go, cause its really fun!!

Im sorry it was a super slow week, and we really just did a lot of publicity and finding. I just want to say though how freaking happy, and just honored I am to be on a mission and to be a tool in the Lords hand. I feel like I have learned so much and have grown more than I ever had in my whole life! People are so amazing, and if you just take the time out of your life to talk to people, you will be amazed. I never thought I would say this, but I love just talking to random people (editors note: Paula is super shy if she does not know you, like painfully shy) and I love learning who they are and their story in life! Its so amazing to be able to see Gods hand in everyones life. To be able to just be a little part of helping others come unto Christ is the biggest blessing I could ever ask for. I'm so grateful that the Lord asked me to serve a mission. That he had a plan for me to do this, a plan that I couldn't even see for myself. The Lord shapes us so much and if we just listen to the spirit, he can help us be the person he wants us to be. Im sorry this sounds so jumbled... I really just want to say that a mission is one of the best things anyone can do in their life. You learn to love others and develop so much charity. You learn to be humble when no one will let you "in" for days and days. You learn how much the Lord truly cares and loves others and yourself. And you learn that the only thing that truly matters in you life are the people you love.
I love all of you so much and i'm so thankful for all of you in my life. I have the best family and friends I could ever ask for!!!
vi amo!!!
Sorella Felice!!
p.s (to my friends) you should go over to my house this week. My dad got the pinball machine working, but he is going to sell it soon so you should go over and play it!!!

so this week we put up over a thousand english course posters so this is our 1,000 poster and then we had 2 hours of pday cause last p day was cut short so pres kelly gave us two extra hours so we decided to celebrate by going to go get peruvian food cause apparently its the best food in italy????? all of the members told us to go to this place so we went but they spoke spanish and the menus were in spanish so i accedenlyt ordered just a bowl of rice... but it was really good rice!!! um the other picture is the a lake that is right by the popes summer house so it was really pretty so i tooka  pic . oh and guess what!! im done with my first transfer next week!!!! so wierd

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