Can i just tell you all how much God loves his children..... God loves us. Punto.
This week we had a mission tour with Elder Kearon from the 70 (Justin and I got to meet him in the same week haha) Anyway lets start off with the beginning of this week. Tuesday we went down to Bari to do a switch with the Sorelle up there because Sorella Stephens (the other Sister Training Leader) were going to Catania and the other two were going to Rome (for the conference). So Tuesday we do the switch and that night we had English course in Bari and we taught this CRAZY guy named Steve… Anyway, then the next day we DROVE TO SICILIA!!!!!! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GREAT!!!!! it was me, Sorella Stephens, Anziano Wolzl and Anziano Perry (the zone leaders). So we got to drive down through Puglia and into CALABRIA!!! I was literally dying!! Calabria was soooo beautiful. Ahh. I just felt like crying!! We drove through Cosenza which I've been dying to see since I found out I was going to Italy.... well since I found out that's where our family is from. hahah. It's in the mountains and just to die for beautiful!!! ahh. I'm still just dying that I got to drive through it!!! As we drove through we had Les Miserables and Tangled (in German thanks to Anziano Wolzl) playing in the car so that was sweet!!!!!!!!!! We dove for about six hours nella machina and then we got to the sea where we took a ferry across to Sicily. It was just sooo beautiful!!! Sicily is such a pretty island soo zoo so so pretty!!! All the flowers were blooming and the sun was shining!!! We drove past the city where the God Father was filmed. It got dark and we were still driving and suddenly BAMM there is Mt. Etna!!!!!!! (It's a very active volcano in the middle of Sicily) It had gone off during the day so as we drove past it there was all this lava all over the mountain. Since it was dark it looked SO COOL!!! So then we got to CATANIA.
Catania was awesome!! We got to the church that night and waited for other missionaries to arrive (the missionaries from Sicily and then all the Sister Training Leaders and Zone Leaders in the mission) It was the best night of my WHOLE mission. First off Sorella Panchieri shoes up (served with her in Roma) then SORELLA MIKESELL!!!! We just ran to each other and cried!!! ahhh it was so great!!!! Aorella Andersen showed up LOVED it!! and then best moment... When we got to the hotel we were staying at, SORELLA ROSSELL showed up!!!!!! and the cute thing is that it was on our one year anniversary of being on the mission!!!!! Sorella Mikesell, and Sorella Rossell and I just sat on the couch and hugged until it was time to go to bed!!! GOD LOVES US!!
So the next day we had the conference and it was gooood!!! That man is just filled with the spirit!!!! Then that night I went finding with Sorella Stephens and Sorella Mistura (Italian from sardegna that I served with over there) and we met this really nice couple who bought us Sicilian Dolci!!!! So that was an unforgettable experience!!
The next day we went to Capi conference (for the zone leaders and sister training leaders) and that was way good!!! then after that I kissed Sorella Mikesell goodbye and we headed back to the Continent (what we call italy if your on a island)
This week was really good for me.. I really needed to just get away and have a really uplifting spiritual week with the people I just LOVE!!! So that is why I know god loves us! He ALWAYS answers our prayers!!!!!
Anyways, I don't have much time today. Not a lot happened with our work since we didn't get home until late Saturday night. LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Sorella Felice
pics all sorts of fun with these cool cats
For all of you wondering… this is Sorella Stephens, not Paula. I know… it is a total Paula face. We all thought it was Paula until we noticed the badge.
These are all students from Olympus High, all the way across the world. There is even one more but he is serving in Milan
Paula most favorite!!!
Fish are always scary…