Monday, November 24, 2014

Cationic Catania

Caio Tutti!!
Well im being SUPER lazy today!!! and i don't really have much to write about.... besides the fact that we did a zone blitz (where all the missionaries in the zone go to one city and do finding all day) it was super fun!!! the city has a branch and the branch consists of the anziani (the elders) and then one new convert they baptized three weeks ago.... and thats it. (also the chapel is the elders apartment) We went to church there this week and it was crazy!!! it was so cool to witness it!! sacrament was SUPER fast! and the anziani do the talks every week haha then some times members come from catania to help them out. so this week we broke church record with 9 people in church!!! CRAZY!!! 
So it gets so hot here (in italy in general) that in august and in july people just leave. all of august is given as a vacation month and then people just start leaving before that. so... there are no people to teach.. all of my investigators have already left to go to the beach for the rest of the summer :( and all the people that are here are on vacation from germany! ahhh but it could be worse. when i was leaving foggia the people had already started leaving so... im thankful I'm at least in a big enough city that people come here for vacation. aka germans and other Europeans in which i cant communicate with... 
um nothing else really happened this week.... BESIDES I GOT MY DEATH PAPERS!!! how scary!! some other sorelle came down to do there visas. and they brought down stuff from the office and they brought me this packet of papers that i have to fill out for the end of my mission!! how crazy!! it also had the schedule of my last day in the mission... blahhhhhhh
ok well thats all. i love you all so much!!! 
Sorella Felice 

Enna - cemetery ( italy has the coolest cemetary- us reenacting the statue- calishibetta (a really cool city that is on a mountain we could see it from enna- street full of missionaries- me doing chalk finding.. hahah it says "are you happy?? haha get it.- more cool finding in enna

me getting my death papers... :( sorella perkins from perth australia delivered them to me (dont mind my ugly lego leggings that i wear to bed ) 

Mount Etna (the volcano) this is from about two streets away from our house 

ddm at our house. the senior couple brought ROOT BEER!!!! WAHOO!! also the training was about sports... well are district leader compared the gospel to soccer and he made all these figurini for us hahah they are hilarious!! I'm beckerman with dreads!!!

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