Friday, November 8, 2013

MAGGOT CHEESE!!!!!!!!! aka casu matsu!

Ciao Tutti!!
Well this week started off with a bam! let me tell you about casu matsu!
ok so for our weekly district meeting, one of the anziani brought this cheese. So it is like a thing of sour cream and they put it out in the sun and flies come and land in it and lay there eggs..... then the maggots come (worms) and they eat the fly eggs, well then the maggots eat so much fly eggs that they poop and the process goes on for so long that basically the roll of cheese is a bunch of maggot digested fly eggs..... poop.. the cheese is poop... 

I didn't eat it... everyone did though but seriously they opened it and maggots jumped EVERYWHERE it was soooooo disgusting!! 

This week we were finding and everyone was just being super rude and we came across this one lady and we offered her a English course bilitini and she got so mad at us… ranting at us that she was orthodox blah blah blah.. (we hadn't said anything about religion) and it kind of hurt a bit. I asked her why on earth she didn't like us when we hadn't done anything to her and she was like, "cause you are not christian", "in order to be christian you would have to be baptized and have the holy ghost!" so all I said  "SCUSA! we are baptized we were baptized with proper authority, we have been given the holy ghost and we go to church every Sunday for three hours! Our church is called the church of JESUS CHRIST, and you don't think were christian??" Then I said I respect that you're christian grazia a mille ciao ciao. I wish that people would just listen some times but all we can ever do is invite they have there free agency.. sorry that was a really random story..

However, this week we did find 2 new investigators!!! well one is still a potential but we are for sure getting a appointment with him!! I'm so excited! Sorrella Kippen and I have been working are butts off! 

MOM I GOT MY BDAY PACKAGES!! Thank you so much!!! They were so nice, and I loved them so much!!! and thanks Car and Ster for the earrings and necklace!! I love them! I LOVE MY FAMILY!!! 

Today Sorella Kippen and I might go buy these super pretty sard rings!!! I'm so excited! We did half of our email this morning and then we went shopping and had lunch and now we are finishing up email. anyway
Dad, i got your card reader! and the other SD card! thank you! 

Ughh this week we had sooooooooooooooo many dinner appointments! which was great but they feed us SOOOOOOOO MUCH!! I'm going to have to exercise double this week!!! However the food is soooooooo good!! i love Italian food so  much i could never get sick of it!!! I'm so excited to come home and cook for all of you!!! (risk... you might get fat!) today we are making this ricotta walnut sauce with pasta!!! I'm sooooo excited!!! and then we have of course a meal appointment hahah 
So yesterday Sorella Kippen asked me if I thought dogs were ever a problem in church (like an owner tried to bring there dog to church (it happened in Rome twice)) so anyway we are sitting there in sacrament and one of our investigators comes in with a dog hahahah it was hilarious but we also had to deal with the whole that isn't appropriate thing haha
anyway gotta go!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! YOU MEAN SO MUCH TO ME AND I PRAY FOR YOU ALL EVERY NIGHT! oh also I cut my hair.... I don't really like it though.. 

Sorella Felice 

MAGGOT CHEESE….. see the maggotts?


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