Sunday, May 18, 2014

Its a really hard time right now to see our investigators cause its tomato planting season....

Ciao tutti

Ok so the title is just because this was a line I heard this week in DDM and thought to myself.... only in italy would the missionaries have this problem!

IT WAS SOOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! I was so happy it was just what i needed!!!! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY AGAIN MOM!!!!!

ok so this is going to be really short today because I don't have much time and I talked to you all yesterday and got out all my juicy stories! 

So transfers came and I'M GETTING A NATIVE COMPANION!!!! Her name is Sorella Fossa and she is somewhere from the Northern Italy! I'm excited but super nervous!!! Also one of the missionaries from Sassari is coming down to Foggia so we have have the Sassari district now in Foggia hahah! Too good. 

Anyways, This week we did a Scambi with the Sorelle in Bari and it went really well!! Me and Sorella Andersen were together a year ago (as companions) so we decided to see what we did last year. we climbed Saint Peters Basillica that day!!! hahah ok thats not that cool but it was for us! 

Thats all I got and all the time I have! love you all so much and cant wait to see you all in 4 months!!! mwahhhh
Sorelall Felice 

Two Pidgeons one Fava Bean!

Ciao Tutti!!!!

Well first off I just want to thank everyone! This week was so amazing and I could all of your prayers. In fact I KNOW it was because all of you were praying for me so thank you!!!!! 

This week went so well! Last week was probably the hardest on my mission so far. This week I think God gave us a break! hahah Everyday just went perfect! 

First off Tuesday we went to Lucera to have a lesson with our investigators and they wanted to show us the castle there... So we went and did that and then we had a great lesson on the Atonement!!! Then we went back a couple days later and did a lesson on the plan of salvation with a member there with us. It went SOOOO WELL!!!! The lesson was so good!!! The member we brought, her name is Raffaela and she is one of Sorella Rossels investigators that got baptized! She was baptized last year and super cute! She answered all of their questions PERFECTLY!! Plus they brought a friend who was curious so we had a referral! I feel like the spirit was sooo strong in all of our lessons this week!!! 

We have this cute mom and daughter that we are teaching right now and I JUST ABSOLUTLY LOVE THEM!!! With my whole heart i love them!! Anyway the Mom knows the Book of Mormon front and back and her daughter it the cutest!!! They are both ready to be baptized but the Mom is a little hesitant. 

Then we have this new less active that we found and she kept giving us bidones (no shows). After one of the no shows this we we sent her an upset text because she no showed again after we had set the appointment and took the time to travel there. She sent us a text back saying .. "you're right Sisters. I'm sorry. Next time I'll be there!!" So the next lesson we had with her was super good and I've never felt the spirit in a lesson that strong. We both kept getting promptings of questions to ask her and basically the whole lesson turned into a we ask questions and she answered them. It went really well!!! 

anyways, besides that this week we also had a WARD BEACH PARTY (at the church due to non existent rain)(italians are babies when it comes to "it might rain") and that was super fun!!! We had a BBQ and a member brought (get ready for this ) TABASCO SAUCE!!!!!! So basically I drank all of it! hahah. We played Uno and football, soccer, and volley ball. super fun!!

So one of the times we went up to Lucera it was later at night and our train to go home was at nine (cause we have permission to get home at 9:30 if we have a lesson) So we are teaching and its going really well and all of a sudden sorella baker kicks me under the table and points to her watch and it was 8:45!!! Our train is leaving inl 15 min and the station was across the city!!!!!!!!!! So we are like "sorry, we gotta say a prayer and run so we can catch our train" So we just busted it through this tiny city and as we are running I have this image come to my mind of Bella from Twilight running through that Italian city. hahah (which that city is actually in puglia) Anyway as we were running I couldn't stop laughing. I twisted my ankle like 80 times though on the stupid cobblestone. So hard to run on. (editors note: I'm guessing they caught the train because she never said she missed it)

One day this week, one of my most favorite members in italy had a lunch for all the missionaries and she went all out and fed us more than I've ever had in my life! hahaha! Sooooo good!!!

The week ended with a baptism on Saturday which was really good. The guys name is Temple (he is Anziano Birbergs simp) He is super cool and african. So that was my week.

I'm super excited to see you all next week for MOTHERS DAY (my new favorite holiday) Anyway love you all so much can't wait to see your smiling faces!!!!!! MWAHHAHA 
Sorella Felice 

ps the title of my email is how italians say two birds with one stone. by the way fava beans are really gross!!! also the anziani here had to go to napoli today to do stuff with there visas and they are bringing us back REAL NAPTOWN PIZZA!!!!! so excited 

The Rains Down in Africa!!

Ciao tutti!!!

Well this week was good. It has been very rainy here!! Every morning we wake up to a beautiful day and we go out running. In the afternoon we eat on our balcony and bathe in the sun and then we go out to do missionary work and BAM its raining cats on dogs!!! literally, it's perfect timing! Every day at the same time it rains and IT RAINS HARD!!!!! Well, thats it about the weather.

This week we threw a surprise party for one of the members in our ward. We asked if she could come to the church to help us in Mirianas lesson (one of our investigators) That is how we got her to come over. There wasn't really a lesson. hahah. So ALL the members are at the church and we are all waiting for this girl to show up, and suddenly, we see someone so we all scream HIDE HIDE!!!! Well it wasn't just Miriana but there was someone with her. So everyone gathers by the enterence-foyer place to see who it was. Miriana was with her boyfriend and all of us are sitting in the entrance watching and they say good bye and walk away and then out of NOWHERE her boyfriend runs back and plants one on her!!!! haha there they were just kissing goodbye for a while and we are all inside watching…yikes! hahhaha AWKWARD! When Miriana walked in all the members where like YEAH MIRIANA hahah sooooo awkward!!!! but sooo hilarious!!! There was probably a good 25 of us that saw it. 

This week we went down to Bari to have our Zone Conference and it went really well. Sorella Stephens and I did our training on fun and creative finding ideas. That was really fun!!!!! Like drawing the plan of salvation in chalk in the middle of a huge piazza or doing shoe shining in the park for service.... etc. It was way fun and we had fun presenting it. Sorella Stephens is the best!!! It was way nice to go down there and talk to her! 

Oh I found a pasticceria this week that had cannolis so I ate some of those... 

We have this new investigator that is a beautician and this week we stopped by her work to say hi and ask how she was doing and PLUCKED OUR EYEBROWS FOR FREE!!!! haha! We walked in and she was like who does your eyebrows and I was like "me" and she was like "I can tell." HA! Then she told baker that hers hadn't been touched in a while so she plucked our eyebrows!! hahah It was very relaxing and I was so happy to get them done!!!! 

Our work still isn't doing so well. None of our investigators have been able to see us this week. (well actually for the past 3 weeks) We've been doing a lot of finding but since its kind of a festa season here in Italy no one has been out so we haven't had much success in finding. Which has been hard! Sorella Baker and I have just been stressed out of our minds the last three weeks. But I guess we will get through it some how.

Anyway, I love you all so much!! I miss you a ton and I'm so excited to see you all for mothers day!!!! we are just going to party it up on that skype call hah.
con tutto il mio cuore.
Sorella Felice 


Ciao tutti!!!

Wow this week was soooo amazing!! I've decided that Easter is my favorite holiday in the Mission. Christmas is great but Easter we get to celebrate the Atonement and the Resurrection. I woke up and just felt sooooo happy in my heart. That sounds so cheesy but I just had this peaceful feeling that because of the resurrezione we all get to live together for ETERNITY!!!! Anyway. Easter is CRAZY HERE!!!! The whole week is just pazzesca!!! First off they start out with Palm Sunday. Then things settle down but on Good Friday everyone GOES CRAZY!!!! Then Sunday they all celebrate. It was kind of cool! 

For Easter we went to a members house and we had the traditional Easter Dinner. (get ready for this) We ate hard boiled eggs (cause they represent life (something about the yolk) with salami (italians.) olives (represents the atonement I think) and then they put lemon all over it.... so weird! Eggs, meat, olives, and lemon. Let me just tell you, they do not go well together! Then for the second course they brought out a lamb of course... remember when I was young and said I would never eat lamb... well it's impossible here to not eat lamb. Then after that we went and visited an investigator and did a lesson on Christ..HOLY MADONNA YOU GUYS NEED TO WATCH THE NEW BIBLE FILMS THE CHURCH HAS MADE!!!!! They are on I think and they are STUNNING!!!! so cool!!! Me and Sorella Baker have started to watch them during our lunch hours... they are sooooo good!!!! anyway sidenote.

Yesterday was Pasquetta which is another holiday they have. (with christmas and easter they celebrate for two days.) So we had a ward activity and we went to a camp ground - carnival-market-church. It was super fun we had a bbq and the Anziani (Elders) brought a football so we played football (a real football the one that is shaped like an egg) One of the Anziani here played football for ASU so he taught us all how to play. Anyway it was super fun!!!! 
For the rest of this week... what happened. Last p-day we went shopping with some of the young women in the ward and they all hate our missionary clothing and we trying to put outfits together for us that were italian style... but they werent... and then they just called us ugly! hahah! oh well. 

Our investigators are not doing so good. Last transfer they all had baptism dates and were just rock solid and right now they aren't even seeing us so thats been hard. we've been trying to think of ways to be more creative but... we just cant get through. So pray that this week is better and we get some lessons. 

We did find two new investigators this week and we got two new investigators last week so that is AWESOME!!!!! One of them is a mother and daughter and I just LOVE THEM!!!! The 11year old always wants to pray and she blesses all the animals and they are just soooo cute!!!! Anyway thats about it for this week. 
I love you all so much and I KNOW this church is true. I love God with all my heart and i'm eternally grateful for my Savior. I love you all so much!!!! I'LL SEE YOU IN THREE WEEKS FOR MOTHERS DAY!!!! 

con tutto il mio cuore
Sorella Felice 

ps.. in Italian Foggia actually means beautiful, but then foggia got bombed in world war 2 by the Americans and now its not beautiful (say the foggians)